Automated transcription engine

Effortlessly analyze your interviews with our advanced speech recognition technology, which automatically identifies each word and speaker, delivering a ready-to-use document to you.

Artificial intelligence to enhance research capability

  • High

  • High processing

  • Ready
    to use file

  • More than
    80 languages

  • Research repository
    for your documents

Upload your audio file

Upload as many recordings as needed, any file format and size. Quewoo supports the most used audio and video formats, making it a good choice for personal or enterprise use.

Smart identification

Transform your interview analysis with our powerful AI algorithm, which accurately identifies all speakers and automatically structures the script.


Streamline document management and enhance collaboration with your team for insightful research using Quewoo.

Get other features
to simplify your work

  • Search

    Find easily documents and phrases with advanced search

  • Manage speakers

    Match sections of your document to specific speakers

  • Add links

    Create a clear connection between documents and sources

Start with your first document

Join to transcribe, edit and process interviews much faster than before.